If you forgot your account password, you can reset it. Go to our Reset Password page. Enter your Username or your Customer #. Complete the Security challenge, then select Submit. In a few minutes, you'll receive an email with a link to reset your password. We send the email for a password reset to the email address on file for your account. If you don't receive the email, we might not have your current email address and you need to request access to your account.
Your phone number in your My Profile page and cpanel are separate. Any changes to your profile don’t automatically sync with cpanel , which means your phone number needs to be updated in both places. If you changed your phone number but didn’t update it for cpanel , you can sign in to your account using a backup cpanel method. If you don’t have a backup method, you can't update your phone number for cpanel until you submit a request to cancel 2-step verification.
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